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International Children’s Friendship Festival 2025

WHEN: April 5 @ 11:00 am - April 6 @ 6:00 pm WHERE: Seattle Center – Fisher Pavilion

ARCS is excited to participate again at this year’s International Children’s Friendship Festival! We will share a table with members from the local Moldovan community to promote Romania and Moldova, so please come stop by!

International Children’s Friendship Festival is an event that is run by children and features performances by children. Various nationalities are represented through music, folk dancing and art. The children celebrate their international friendship through experiencing the rich tapestry of the world’s cultures.

The event is free and open to the public.

We are looking for children and teenagers of Romanian or Moldovan descent who are passionate to share their heritage!

We have several volunteering options: from helping us plan to creating website content/brochures to leading activities and greeting visitors. We welcome all ages, but would love to see more kids. Let us know ASAP if you have any interest in volunteering by filling this form or contacting: youth@arcsproject.org.  If you cannot volunteer this time, just swing by to see us!

April 5-6, 11-6pm
Fisher Pavilion, Seattle Center

305 Harrison St
Seattle, WA 98109

The event is well-established and recognized in the Northwest as a volunteer-run festival with a loyal crowd and an increasing number of new children every year. The festival is annually recognized by proclamations of several elected officials in Washington State.

Learn more about the festival from the organizers here.